Are 80s Comic Books Worth Money?

The 1980s saw some iconic comic books emerge that are now worth a lot of money. Learn how to identify & sell valuable comics from this period for a profit.

Are 80s Comic Books Worth Money?

The 1980s saw the emergence of some of the most iconic comic books in history, and some of them are worth a lot of money. In this article, we'll explore the most valuable comics from the 80s, how to identify them, and how to sell them for a profit. The 1980s were a crucial period for comics, falling between the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Modern Age. This period saw the introduction of some of the most beloved characters in comic book history, and many of these characters have been passed down from generation to generation.

When looking for valuable comics from the 80s, it's important to look for books with 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c or 25c on the cover. Those with 30 cents or more on the cover have a limited value. One of the most valuable comics from this period is Apocalypse (In Sabah Nur), which was published in 1986 and only had 2000 copies printed. It is now impossible to republish this comic as the original negatives have been lost and the original art is scattered.

Another valuable comic from this period is The Hobgoblin, which was one of the first major villains to be introduced in the 80s. He was an unofficial heir to the legacy of the Green Goblin, making his identity his own by altering the colors of his costume. This helped him stand out from other villains and made him a popular character in Spider-Man stories. The Death of Superman was another popular comic from this period, but it has since become one of the least valuable comics due to its high print run and oversupply.

This is why it's important to look for complete sets of comics in excellent condition if you want to stand out and build a niche for yourself. Comic book rating services such as Comic Guaranty Company (CGC) and Professional Grading Experts (PGX) can help you determine the value of your comics. The estimated print runs and global distribution will also determine how rare your comic book is. Finally, it's important to remember that comics from earlier periods such as the 1930s and 1940s can be very rare and valuable if they are significant books.

For example, anthropomorphic characters such as those featured in Albedo were popular during this time, so if you find any books featuring these characters then they could be worth a lot of money.

Will Isidro
Will Isidro

Typical thinker. Hardcore travel specialist. Incurable twitter fanatic. Total pop culture fanatic. Hipster-friendly tea buff.